Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Remember how we all used to tease each other about being domestic and highly marriageable? I seem to have fond memories of Katie using that phrase a few times. :)

Well, I really think that I became the epitome of Domestic today. My friend, Beth, and I went and picked peaches last week at an orchard just a couple of miles up the road from where we live. And today we canned them!!

I wish I had a picture for solid proof, but if you can just get the image of me, eight months pregnant, standing over a hot stove, in bare feet, canning peaches, then I think you will agree that it doesn't get any more domestic than that!

Beth has done a bit more canning than me (given that I've canned, well, nothing ever before!), but had never tried peaches, so it was an adventure for the both of us. We attempted two different recipes: a light syrup regular hot pack, and a peach pie filling. It was a lengthy, hot process, but I think that we got the hang of it and that the cans turned out well. The true test won't come for several months because what's the point of canning if you eat everything you canned in two weeks? But I sure am anxious to try a peach pie out soon...

So if you have any questions about canning send them my way because, if I wasn't before I certainly am now, Domestic. :)


Sarah said...

I actually was *just* thinking about this on Saturday when I went to visit Katie & Co. after the BYU game. She definitely fits the bill as well. :)

Kendra said...

I have a pressure cooker and I've never used it and I've been told that you can use them for canning. I should really try that out soon. We have so many yummy things in our garden to make salsa. But the last few times we made salsa, we ate it so fast, I doubt canning is really necessary.