Sunday, May 28, 2006

Decisions, Decisions

It has been a crazy week. I really feel like the heat is on to make some major decisions - does it ever stop? It's come time to decide where I am going to end up and I'm just realizing I have some commitment issues -- not with relationships -- with jobs! Life up until now has been full of endings - of semesters, summer jobs, internships, missions, etc. It's just hard to feel like I'm choosing a place and job where I'll be "locked in" for some unknown period of time. I just feel like life is ready to come down like a big swooping net to catch a butterfly and keep it in a jar. And we all know the fate of a butterfly in a jar....

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Great News!

I just talked to Karina a little while ago and such exciting news! Her and Charlie have decided to get married here in Utah the end of July and she's also pregnant!!! She is due at the end of November. It's very exciting-- so I thought I'd pass along the excitement.

Also, I know Meredith has seen it, but Katie and Sarah, if you haven't seen "Memoirs of a Geisha", I would HIGHLY recommend it!

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mem'ries.... Scattered Pictures!

Practicing our reply for Zeke's homecoming question :)
Remember -- us and the Elms boys?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ben Dick Arms

Hi girls! I'm blogging!!!! How exciting is this?! I've never written a blog before... So thanks to Sarah for setting this up. So only the four of us can write and view, right?! Or am I publishing to the world? I'm on the, top of the world, looking down on creation... Great song. It is crazy to think where we all are right now, but I'm so glad we're still the Fab Four! It's great to chat on gmail too. So Zeke and I were just outside playing badminton! It is a fun game and it's so nice to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather. And we've got a lot of roses blooming too. I love flowers! And it's great to know we get to pick and enjoy them just for ourselves!!! Anyway, this will be a fun way to stay in touch even more. And I love pictures, so send lots! Here's one of Lucas the other night playing in my shoes. He LOVES shoes right now and has to pick out the ones that he wants to wear or he throws a tantrum- silly kid. I love you girls!!!

25, 25, 25 is still alive

Hey ladies. Can you believe that within a few short years we are miles apart and living totally different lives? You are the best friends ever, and I am so thankful for the way you continue to influence and bless my life.

Let's definitely keep in touch. Bloggers forever! :)

25 Still Alive!

Welcome to the first post of the fab four: Katie, Kendra, Meredith and Sarah. Blogs are great. An easy way to keep up with each other, post pictures, and anything else we want to. I'm excited to be blogging buddies with you girls!